Click on the "New Item" button to add a new project.
Enter the ID of the project (ID entered > ID MAX). Eg: Max ID = 54 enter project ID = 55.
Enter the cover image of the new content in the 'Thumbnail' section with a thumbnail image ratio of 1:1
Enter the title of the thumbnail in the "Title project" section
Select "Category and "Sub category" corresponding to the project.
To change the project title inside the detail page, you can adjust it at the "Title detail" position (`Title detail` by default takes the content from Title project)
Enter the production date, customer, service provider in the fields {{"Date"}}, {{"Client"}}, {{"Service"}}
Enter project description content at "Content" position
Choose one of the 3 items below the image to make the post banner. Choose "Banner img" ( ratio: 1280x720px ) or " Youtube link" or "Fb video link"
Enter 6 images of content with a ratio of 900x600px in the "Image 1" section, ...
Click on the CMS button on the navigation bar.
Choose the project that needs to be edited
Then select the content that needs to be edited and edit the content in the table below.
Click on the CMS button on the navigation bar.
Select the content to delete
After the table below appears, click on the "..." button and select the "Delete" button as shown in the picture to delete
Click on the CMS button in the navigation bar.
Select the content to hide
Select the 'Categories' section and choose 'None' to hide the content